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iwocaPay provides an ecommerce webhook so you can get live updates as your customers’ order statuses change.

The webhook is triggered when your customer’s order status has an update. The payload data is sent to the endpoint URL you provided iwocaPay.

Getting started

To enable webhooks, you’ll need to contact your account manager and provide the URL you will use to receive our webhooks.

The webhook payload

"data": {
"order_id": 19643,
"pay_link_id": "aa8cfc99-3853-4641-8856-3294433b7bb7",
"amount": 278.22,
"reference": "Service Mjolnir",
"status": "CREATED"
order_idIntegerA unique ID for the Order.
pay_link_idStringA UUIDv4 string. A unique ID for the associated pay link.
amountStringThe monetary amount for the order, in GBP.
referenceStringThe order’s reference.
statusEnum, options: "CREATED", "PENDING", "UNSUCCESSFUL", "APPROVED", and "SUCCESSFUL"The current status of the order. See Order Status.