Launch your integration
Submit for review
When your API integration is ready, send your account manager a link to your staging environment and they will have the iwocaPay tech team review your integration. You can expect your integration to be reviewed within a week and can make revisions and resubmit at your convenience.
As soon as your integration is approved, your account manager will provide your production API keys.
Submission checklist
Meeting the following criteria will reduce the chance of a lengthy revision process.
Orders can be initiated: Choosing the iwocaPay option during checkout redirects the user to the iwocaPay site.
Exit path works: Clicking Back to <Company Name> in Step 0 redirects the user back to your site.
Different user paths work: You have tested different paths by altering the customer data provided in the iwocaPay staging environment. (See Testing with the Sandbox).
Check-out confirmations
Successful checkout:
- Completing checkout by clicking Pay Now and Pay Later results in a successful confirmation screen.
- After the confirmation screen, the user is successfully redirected back to your site.
Failed checkout: Completing checkout by clicking Pay Now and Pay Later results in an unsuccessful confirmation screen.
- After the unsuccessful screen, the user is successfully redirected back to your site.
Cookie-less flow: Customers may re-enter the checkout process on another device. This requires your integration to work without relying on cookies.
To test this, copy the URL into an incognito window when you are being redirected to the iwocaPay landing page (Step 0). You should be able to complete the flow and successfully redirect back to your site.
Redirection screens: After being redirected back to your site, you must present the user with an appropriate approval or decline screen according to the status of their order.
A successful order screen is shown when a customer is redirected back to your site from the iwocaPay site after a successful order.
An unsuccessful order screen is shown when a customer is redirected back to your site from the iwocaPay site after an unsuccessful order.